Synecore Accelerates easyHotel’s Decarbonisation Project with Energy Efficient Water System

With their sights set on becoming the leaders in low-cost, low-carbon hotels throughout Europe and the UK, budget brand, easyHotels is working towards reducing its carbon footprint by 45 per cent at twelve of its UK properties by 2025.

Synecore is working with the brand to reduce its energy consumption by rolling out a series of retrofit sanitary hot water systems to its UK hotels in Liverpool, Milton Keynes and Sheffield.

easyHotel’s Carbon Neutral Plan

Unlike many large corporations, easyHotels is not merely offsetting their carbon footprint by storing their carbon in the earth, they are making practical and achievable steps to alter the way they operate, the products they use daily and the very fabric of their hotels, including the construction and facilities installed.

“The hotel industry accounts for about 1 per cent of carbon emissions
globally and we have a collective responsibility to do all we can to reduce these emissions.

Our business is naturally low-carbon thanks to our size-efficient room design which uses less raw materials, but it’s important for us to look at every area of our operations and try where we can, to be as low-carbon as possible.”
Karim Malak, CEO easyHotel

Introducing Mitsubishi HD’s Revolutionary Hot Water System for Hotels

As an experienced M&E contractor specialising in services for the hospitality sector, Synecore is at the forefront of implementing new energy efficient products in commercial buildings. From new installations to retrofitting to existing systems, we strive to future proof our clients and help them achieve their energy efficiency goals.

easyHotels Fosters CRREM to Proactively Tackle It’s Carbon Footprint

Among the measures easyHotels is taking to reduce its carbon footprint is to follow the decarbonisation trajectory of Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM) on their UK properties.

CRREM is the EU-funded research programme, designed to support the property sector in tackling energy efficiency with the intention of decarbonising the sector by 2050. The core focus of the programme is to invest in retrofit systems and promote refurbishments over new builds.

Efficiency in Water Heating Can Change the Game for the Hospitality Sector’s GHG Emissions

Typically, a hotel like easyHotels can use an average of 1,500 litres of water per room per day. For the guest rooms alone, that’s an average of 180,000 litres at the easyHotel in Liverpool. When you consider the energy resources required to heat such a vast amount of water on a daily basis, it’s no wonder that the hotel industry accounts for 1 per cent of carbon emissions globally.

Thanks to an innovation by Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Industries, Synecore is working with easyHotels to retrofit a revolutionary sanitary hot water system to their existing UK properties – and the results are phenomenal!

“For easyHotels we needed to dramatically improve the efficiency of heating hundreds of thousands of litres of water per day using a system that could be retrofit to their existing facilities. The answer lied with the Q-ton.”
Gary Piper, Synecore’s Mechanical Director

What is the Q-ton?

The Q-ton sanitary hot water system is an air to water heatpump that uses C02 gas as a refrigerant to minimise the GWP. It produces high volume hot water supply using ambient air temperature and a small amount of electricity.

Eco Credentials

Compared to a traditional gas boiler, the Q-ton emits 76% less C02 emissions, and 74% less than electric heated system. There are cost savings too; the annual running costs are typically 76% less than electric and 46% less than a gas boiler.


Water temperatures between 60 to 90 degrees Celsius even when the outside ambient temperature is as low as -25 degrees Celsius. When applied for space heating, the Q-ton maintains 100% heating capacity in radiators and underfloor heating when outside temperatures dip as low as -7 degrees Celsius.

The Q-ton heat pump absorbs ‘free’ heat from the outdoor air and amplifies it to generate hot water swiftly and efficiently and it can generate hot water up to 90°C without the requirement for an additional electric immersion heater.

The space heating application has now been introduced in QTRON CO2 air to water heat pump. Space Heating For space heating applications with return temperatures below 30 °C Examples of application: – Underfloor heating – Low temperature radiators Combined Mode In combined mode, heating with hot water supply is allowed at the same time. Additionally it is possible to set the operation priority (Hot water or space heating.

Refrigerants such as carbon dioxide (R744) preserves the ozone layer (ODP = 0) and has the lowest Global Warming Potential (GWP = 1). Q-ton is an ideal fit for the latest building regulations contributing and reaching an “excellent” mark from BREEAM. Q-ton helps to meet the stringent requirements of world’s foremost environmental assessment method and rating system BREEAM.

The Q-ton Specification for easyHotels Liverpool

Synecore specified three 90kW Q-Ton systems for the Liverpool easyHotel to provide reliable potable hot water to its 120 bedrooms at full capacity every day.  One Q-ton system alone can deliver 100,000 litres of hot water per day, but we needed a system that could deliver a minimum of 180,000 litres per day. The three Q-ton units combined deliver 300,000 litres of potable hot water to the hotel daily

Solar Installation Enhances the Q-ton’s Low Carbon Credentials

The three 90kw Q-ton systems are powered by a Photovoltaic (PV) solar panel system, mounted on the hotel’s roof. The solar panels provide a consistent source of power and ensure the Q-ton system is entirely carbon neutral.

Start your journey to carbon neutral energy and water supply with Synecore

The property industry is accountable for about 38% of energy consumption and 29% of all GHG emissions in Europe. However, Synecore is working with clients, contractors and facilities manager in the UK to deliver high quality and sustainable mechanical, electrical and refrigeration services. To benefit from our expertise, please speak directly to our team today.

“There is enormous pressure on the property industries to become carbon neutral by 2050, and we are delighted to offer a genuine solution to providing
heated sanitary water in high volumes for hotels in the UK.”

“I believe the Q-ton hot water system is a game changer for the hotels, spas and multi residential properties. It’s ability to deliver a consistent supply of potable hot water that is entirely carbon neutral is something that the property sector should be considering as part of their sustainability plan.”

“We look forward to continuing the relationship with easyHotels, as we continue to roll out the Q-ton system at three of their UK sites.”
Gary Piper, Synecore’s HVAC Director

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